Access Consciousness Bars international certification

Give yourself and anyone you know - like your clients, friends, family, co-workers - the care, kindness and nurturing you require, with total ease, by learning the Access Bars® technique.
Hundreds of thousands of people have used Access Bars to change many aspects of their body and their life, including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more.

It is practiced in more than 100 countries by over 500,000 people worldwide who have taken the Access Bars one-day class.

What is it like to attend a Bars Class?

During this 8 hour class you’ll receive a chart and a manual with the Energetic Tools that are the basis of Access and most used tools. It also contains information on all bars points and placements.

You’ll gift 2 sessions and receive two sessions as a way to not only receive but also learn it hands on.

After the International certification you’ll be a Bars Practitioner (BP)

What is The Bars? How does it work?

Access Bars® can feel like hitting the delete button on your computer’s cluttered hard drive – only this time, you’re creating space in your brain. Things like negative thought patterns, or that endless mental chatter keeping you awake at night, can be released and make space for the calm you’ve been seeking.

Access Bars is a gentle treatment using light touch on 32 points on the head. These 32 points or bars, are related to money, life creation, body, sexuality, control, etc. The Bars releases the limitation from thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs related to and stored in these 32 points.

What are some of the benefits?

A more peaceful mind

Increased relaxation

Improved outlook on life

Stress relief

A space to replenish your body

Increased energy and creativity

You will also be able to do Bars Swaps with other practitioners around the world ✨